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Instructions for the publication of the Journal Endocrinology & Diabetes Clinical and Experimental

The journal follows the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors


  1. All the manuscripts will be published in English. The journal accepts original articles, preliminary notes, case reports, review articles, updates and letters to editor. There a topic dedicate to internal medicine linking endocrinology and medical clinic. The journal strongly encourages on line submissions of manuscripts. Those should be accompanied by a title, keywords and an abstract in English for the purposes of international registration. Abstracts in other languages may also be attached.

  2. The articles received by the Editor will be analyzed with the Assistance of the Editorial Board. Minor changes to "copy desk" can be effective with the purpose of standardizing the articles, without substantial changes in original text.

  3. Manuscripts can be sent on CD or via on line to The text should be typed on pages containing 20 to 24 rows and rows with 70 to 75 spaces, with the objective of enabling the diagramming the calculation of space required for each article. The word processor used must be either Microsoft Windows compatible program (Word, Write etc.).

  4. The article must have title, full name of the authors; quote from site (full address) where out performed the work; full titles of authors, key words (or "keywords") without exceeding a limit of 250 words; introduction; material or material and methods or description of the case; results; discussion and/or comments (when applicable); conclusions (when applicable); summary (summary in English), consisting in the correct version of the summary, not exceeding 250 words; references (as quoted below in item 08) in alphabetical order; the accompanying illustrations must follow appropriate rules, described in item 07.

  5. Illustrations are of figures and graphs referred to in Arabic numerals (example: fig. 3, graph 7), in the form of ink drawings photographs ECG EEG etc. When possible must be submitted in original form.

  6. The illustrations will be accepted only allow good reproduction. Should not be glued in the middle of the article text and it must be attached with the respective legends typed on the bottom of the same (one sheet for each illustration). Must take care to number each illustration on the back of the same and indicate the correct place where should be introduced. Tables and frames are specified in Arabic numerals, consisting always the respective title, accurately. Tables and frames without its description in the text and are intended to summarize the article. The units used to express the results (m, g, g/100 ml, etc.) will appear at the top of each column. It will be up to the Editor to judge excessive illustrations (figures, tables, graphs, tables etc.), deleting the redundant.

  7. The references must follow the alphabetical order or the order of appearance in the text. Showing them all authors cited in the text. It must be contain: name of author, name of the journal abbreviated in accordance with the criteria used in the Index Medicus ( Papers accepted but not yet published may be included in the references. You should avoid using as reference poster or free themes from conferences unless they are of high relevance. Articles published online may be cited in the references and should bear the name of the site as well as the date of access.Chapter of Book: Ruch, TC.Somatic Sensation. In Ruch T C et al. Neurophysiology. Philadelphia Saunders 1963; 330-332 Journal article: R.W.G Gruessner, Sutherland D.E.R, Najarian j. S, et al. Solitary pancreas transplantation for non uremic patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus labile. Transplantation 1997; 64: 1572-77. The names of drugs cited in the text (names of fantasy, officers, patented, and acronyms of chemical research) shall comply with corresponding regulations of the World Health Organization, according to rules summarised by KOROLKOVAS, a.-Regulatory Editorial Nomenclature-Names of drugs (Drug Nomen- -clature). Rev. Bras. Clin. Terap. 5: 1976 (February).

  8. The authors will receive ten copies of the issue in which their work was published (for reprints), which will be sent directly to the place where the work performed. Reprints must be ordered and previously combined with the Commercial Direction.

  9. The manuscripts that don't fit the standards or that does not suit the needs of the journal editorials may be forwarded to the authors to carry out the necessary adjustments that will be indicated in the personal letter from the Editor. Will be mentioned the dates of receipt and approval of work for publication, in order to safeguard the interests of the author's priority. In the case of re-routing of work to adapt to our rules for publication, the date cited is always receive the first forwarding of work. The content of the articles is the responsibility of the authors. The link between the author (s) and pharmaceutical laboratories, as well as another source that is generating resources must always be quoted by author (s). The copyright of the manuscripts are of the magazine in question.

  10. Will be given top priority in the publication of articles and/or notes that they concerned about matters directly or indirectly related to the basic purpose of the journal Endocrinology & Diabetes Clinical and Experimental.

  11. Studies that involve animals, research or human, should obey the rules of the Helsinki Declaration of 1979 and revised in 2000. The authors is entitled to explanation, if your search is not in accordance with the rules of the Declaration of Helsinki. In addition, when the study involves humans must be approved by the Ethics Committee of your institution.

  12. Mailing address of the main author must appear at the end of the article. Your article is your own responsibility, and the same answer for your account both within the medical ethics as in legal proceedings.

  13. Structural definition of the main types of articles: Original articles: Articles Are produced through scientific research, presenting original data scientific findings with respect to experimental or observational aspects of Medical Biochemistry and social feature. Includes descriptive analysis and data inferences or own. In its structure should contain the following items: Introduction, Material and methods, results obtained and studied by an appropriate statistical method discussion and conclusion. Review articles: Are articles that seek to summarize, analyze, evaluate or synthesize research already published in scientific journals. The revisions are expected to be commissioned by the editors, except in case of scientific relevance for the medical class. Articles from Update or disclosure: These report updated information of interest to the magazine or a new technique or laboratory research. This topic is distinct in its account of the review article. Case report: Present descriptive data about a pathology with academic relevance in relation to the disease, treatment, laboratory or association with another pathology.

  14. The Journal of Endocrinology & Diabete clinical and Experimental use the peer review form of review the manuscripts Peer review is an important process for all authors to understand. Ultimately, peer review was created to protect scientific integrity and promote the sharing of research with other colleagues. It can help authors discover problems and helps to strengthen the credibility of their research. The extensive amount of published material relating to peer review can be overwhelming for readers to sort through, and this paper provides a relevant guide for authors regarding the peer-review process. The necessity of having quality control measures for published work is important to the scientific community, and without such measures, the quality of published work would not be what it is today. Peer review is necessary to identify scientific manuscripts worthy of publication and to improve the quality of published research.

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